Here is information about our background, our studies, and our experience.
Here is information about our background, our studies, and our experience.

About Us

Bruce Turner



  • Experienced and independent Editor & Proofreader of English texts
  • Experienced and independent Translator of German texts into English texts
  • Born/grew up in the USA. Native language: English
  • Lived, studied, and worked several years in Germany
  • Lived and worked many years in Switzerland
  • Second language: German
  • Swiss citizen


  • BS degree in Electrical Engineering, Michigan Technological University, Houghton, Michigan USA
  • MA degree in Aerospace Operations Management, University of So. Calif., Los Angeles, Calif. USA
  • Project Management Professional (PMP) certificate, Project Management Institute, Newtown Square, Pennsylvania USA
  • PhD degree (Dr.rer.pol.) in Business/Managerial Economics, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany

Job experience:

  • Civilian Electronic Engineer, Ground Electronics Engineering Installation Agency, U.S. Air Force Logistics Command, Wiesbaden Air Base, Germany
  • Business Planner, ABB (BBC Switzerland AG), Baden, Switzerland
  • Contract and Subcontractor Manager, Mowag Motorwagenfabrik AG, Kreuzlingen, Switzerland
  • Project/Program Manager, EM Microelectronic SA (Swatch Group), Neuchâtel, Switzerland
  • German-to-English Translator of Technical Patents, Patent Attorney's Office, Switzerland

Lecturing/Teaching experience for business and management courses in Switzerland:

  • Bern University of Applied Sciences, School of Engineering & Computer Science, Bern, Biel, Burgdorf
  • EU Business School, Cham-Zug
  • Geneva Business School, Geneva
  • KS Kaderschule AG, Zurich
  • PHW (Private Hochschule Wirtschaft), Zurich
  • TEKO Schweizerische Fachschule, Bern

Independent work experience in Switzerland:

  • Market Researcher and Marketing Consultant
  • Trainer for companies and individuals for PMP exam preparation courses
  • Translator of German texts into English
  • Editor and proofreader of English texts and machine- and AI-generated English translations